Think ​Facebook Ads Are a Dead End​? Think Again.

Generate quality mortgage leads​ from Facebook Advertising — without lifting a finger.

If you feel like you’re missing out by not advertising on Facebook...

Or you’ve ​tried​ Facebook Ads, but got nothing out of it (apart from frustration and a bloated credit-card bill)...

You might mistakenly assume that “Facebook Ads are dead.”

But they’re not. With more than 2 billion users, Facebook is still one of the best sources to find high-quality mortgage leads.

You just have to know how to run the ​right ​ads — or better yet, hire the experts.

Launch My Facebook Ads

The Facebook Ads platform changes every day. Instead of trying to keep up, let leadPops handle it. We guarantee that your inbox will be flooded with Mortgage Leads once you launch your Facebook Ads Service.

leadPops Facebook Ads with image and video ads

Around here, we call this the ​Schang Method

Using the leadPops Facebook Ads service, ​Scott Schang generated 350
Facebook Leads over 90 days.​
​93% of those leads said they weren't working
with a Realtor!

That means over 3 months, Scott had more than 320 opportunities to reach
out to his Realtor partners. Every time Scott sent a Realtor yet another lead
who was ready to find a home, he strengthened his relationship and
established himself as their true partner.

By using leadPops Facebook Ads service, you’re creating the SAME
opportunity to provide real value to Realtors
​ (and set yourself apart from the
dozens of other LOs who just approach them, hat in hand).

I Want More Realtor Referrals
Facebook Ads Schang Method
“As a new Loan Officer, I was referred to leadPops by a co-worker of mine... I've been able to bring on 3 new Referral Partners who assist me in calling my leads, refer me their business because I'm trying help them grow, and this month alone I have 3 closings...north of $720,000 in loan volume. I will continue to be a fan of leadPops and will encourage any of my colleagues to jump on the wagon as well.”
Trey Jordan
​Trey Jordan Loan Officer, Fulshear Texas Stars

Eye-Catching Image Ads

If you’re running a Facebook Ad without striking images, you’re basically sending an envelope of cash directly to Mark Zuckerberg with no return address.

Every leadPops Facebook Ad includes an attention-grabbing graphic designed to help convert Facebook users into ​future borrowers.​ Your Image Ads are built from templates proven to convert, customized to your industry, and branded for YOUR business.

I Want Image Ads
Eye-Catching Image Ads