Your mortgage email marketing tool is about to meet its new best friend

Grow your customer list AND your email marketing ROI with leadpops by rebel iQ.

Mortgage Email Marketing System

Discover the missing link between mortgage email marketing & lead generation

Depending on who you ask, email marketing can earn you between $42 (according to email marketing firm Litmus) and $55 (according to the Direct Marketing Association) for every $1 you spend on it.

That’s some pretty dang impressive ROI.

How do your current email stats compare?

If you want to get more folks to subscribe to your email list — and then easily convert more of those subscribers into leads — then leadpops is the missing link you’ve been looking for.

Our fully customizable mortgage lead generation forms are built on time-tested principles of conversion psychology to maximize the number of qualified, motivated mortgage leads ending up on your email list or in your CRM.

Use our entertaining quiz-style lead generation forms to attract more subscribers from your online audience. And when it’s time to turn those subscribers into leads, send them right back into a relevant, conversion-optimized rebel Form.

leadpops isn’t just for mortgage email marketing

Along with growing your list of interested, engaged subscribers, you can use rebel mortgage lead generation forms to build attractive, specific lead funnels for every marketing campaign or offer you run.

You’ll convert more mortgage leads not just from email, but from every traffic source. Because instead of sending clicks to a generic “Contact Us” form, you’re offering an interactive experience.

Still skeptical? We’ll prove it. Thanks to our built-in reporting, you can confidently measure the effectiveness of your rebel mortgage lead generation forms.

David Hay Vice President, Marketing | eRates Mortgage
Replacing our traditional landing pages with leadpops has had an immediate impact on our mortgage lead conversion rates. Over time we have experienced a 25% to 35% increase in conversions which makes the ROI on the product outstanding.

More mortgage leads with

less struggle in 3 steps

Choose and customize a mortgage lead gen form

Add Pop-Ups, Omni Bars, and even full-page Welcome Mats

Segment and nurture your new leads however you see fit.

Want to make sure James and Jenny only receive leads from their geographic territory?

Need to route reverse mortgage or DSCR loan leads to someone else?

Rather sift out unqualified or bad-fit leads before they even get to your inbox? No problem.

Connect your leads with the right people to serve them, quicker and easier than ever before.

Send yourself more (& more-qualified) mortgage leads

“How do I know leadpops is what I need?”

With more than a decade of building, selling, supporting, and refining mortgage lead generation solutions under our belt, we’ve identified the key problems our technology helps solve when it comes to mortgage email marketing — especially for customers who want to convert and track more leads from their email marketing efforts.

Your Problem…How leadpops solves it
You’re inviting ALL visitors to subscribe through the same general email form, instead of offering them content tailored to who they are and what they want.Use leadpops to add as many entryways to your email list as you have offers (or audience segments). Just add Pop-Ups, Welcome Mats, and Omni Bars to your existing mortgage website to guide visitors into the right lead form.
You’re sending any and all email clicks to your home or contact page instead of sending them to relevant, conversion-optimized landing pagesNo website redesign necessary (phew). With rebel Forms, you can easily match your message or offer to the people who need it most — and draw in more interested and motivated mortgage leads. Or simply use a full-page rebel Form as a landing page in place of a website!
You know that your email marketing does bring in leads or sales, but you’re not sure exactly how many (and you know it could be more)Track engagement metrics inside each of your rebel Forms. You’ll be able to measure virtually all of the leads coming from your email campaigns.
rebel Paths Mortgage Lead Generation System Dashboard

Hundreds of thoughtfully created templates across dozens of use-cases and related industries

Starting from scratch can be a big time suck. With leadpops by rebel iQ, you never have to.

Choose your use case or industry, then pick from multiple pre-built lead generation forms, Pop-Ups, Omni Bars and more. Then publish your lead generation solutions with confidence, knowing they were created to convert.

Create as many lead generation forms as you like. The more, the better. Here are just a few ways you can use the leadpops platform to bring in more leads from your mortgage email marketing:

  • Boost subscriber signups with professionally designed, customizable Pop-Ups, Omni Bars, and Welcome Mats
  • Send clicks from inside your emails to targeted, relevant lead generation forms (instead of to generic, boring contact pages)
  • Track which of your emails and forms are bringing in the most (or best) leads… and which could use a little TLC

Then just sit back and scroll while the opportunities pour in.

Find ideas, inspiration, & guidance
in the rebel Academy…

From connecting your domains and getting started with leadpops to step-by-step videos and guides, our rebel Academy is filled with on-demand resources to help you and your team start earning more qualified mortgage leads right out of the gate.

Take a sneak peek at the practical resources
waiting for you inside
rebel Academy

Plus, treat yourself or your team to crash courses in all areas of mortgage marketing, including:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

And why it matters more than ever for your business

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

So you can stop wasting money on ad traffic that doesn’t convert

Effective Mortgage Websites

AKA how to make the most of the traffic you already have


Because it’s not enough to publish blogs and cross your fingers

Conversion Optimization & Psychology

 So you know the why behind what you’re doing

And a whole lot more

We add useful content all the time!

See exactly how your leadpops are performing

Want the bird’s-eye view? Your leadpops Performance Dashboard is a useful high-level glimpse at each of your lead generation forms and landing page metrics, including:

  • Visitors by day, week, month, or all-time — See how all of your sales funnels are performing at a glance
  • Traffic sources — Find out which parts of your marketing are bringing in the most leads (and which aren’t performing up to par) so you can focus where it matters most
  • Form completion rates — Strike the perfect balance between getting leads in the door ASAP, and getting the information you need from them
  • Visitor-to-lead conversion rates Be honest, this is the stat you care about most (besides closed loans)

Instead of a complicated dashboard filled with meaningless metrics, you get insight right away into which messages or offers your audience finds truly compelling.

Mortgage Website Leads

Attract & attribute more leads
to your email marketing efforts

Erika Gaytan Mortgage Advisor
Amazing company to work with!!! leadpops has advanced marketing strategies that I use to boost my business and the business of all of my referral partners; and I especially appreciate how quickly I got the help that I needed so my funnels went live without a hitch. Thanks especially to Lindsay who was so kind and took the time to make sure I had all of my questions answered. I highly recommend leadpops to everyone!
Marketing Help

Above-and-beyond support from real humans

If and when you need support, our Customer Success team is here to help.

When you call or email us, you’ll be talking to someone with actual experience using leadpops. (Plus, the great weather in San Diego means we’re always in the mood to go above and beyond.)

“The ability to segment new leads with leadpops and then follow up with the perfect email nurture sequence has improved our email signup rates by over 20%

Connect your email marketing platform in seconds