How Loan Officers Stand Out with Facebook Video Ads
Are you saying the same 5 things, posting the same pictures, pointing to the same rates every other loan officer in your area is?
What if you could create professional videos like this to build your brand to Facebook users?
You probably feel overwhelmed trying to differentiate yourself. We don’t blame you. It can be hard for anyone other than a digital marketing genius to stand out on a platform with over 2 billion monthly users.
So where do you start? As Loan Officer, trying to pull together a Facebook Ad campaign from scratch can be a disaster waiting to happen. You’re an experienced mortgage professional, not a graphic designer, copywriter, and targeting expert…
An LO trying to create effective Facebook Ads entirely by himself…
So you hired someone to do it. Great! Now you have the exact same graphic ads everyone else sees. How can you make sure that Facebook scrollers remember YOUR ads and close loans with YOUR business as a result?
Enter Facebook Video Ads.
Any LO can grab a picture and run a Facebook Ad, but NOT everyone can simply throw together a professional video with the same level of success. That’s why video ads stand out so much, because producing high-quality video content doesn’t happen by accident.
Sure conversions are great, but Facebook Video Ads contribute primarily towards the long term goal of building your brand. High-quality video establishes your brand as professional and indicates that you’re the one roping in all the clients, thus upping your credibility. Even if they don’t need a loan yet if your brand stands out, you’ll be top of mind then it is time to sign a loan.
Also, did we mention Facebook loves video?
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Facebook has recognized that users engage with video the most out of any other content, so Facebook serves your video ads again and again. As a result, Video Ads get more eyeballs than regular graphic ads.
So you know video ads build your brand AND get your business in front of more potential clients on Facebook… Now how do you get a hold of them? Just ask leadPops!
With your Facebook Video Ads, you can unleash the power of video onto the Facebook Ad landscape. You’ll stand out from your competition and stick in your future client’s minds with personally branded, mortgage specific videos.
Designed to convert Facebook users into closed loans.
Your leadpops Facebook Video Ads are professional grade with an added dynamic that makes them better than any hipster agency product. leadpops Facebook Video ads are conversion-optimized. We don’t wear a fedora and create these videos for the simple goal of looking good.
We develop these Facebook Video Ads to motivate the viewer to take an action (to become YOUR CLIENT).
These aren’t purely informational videos explaining how refinancing a mortgage works or a boring talking head describing the ins and outs of applying for a loan. We are lighting a fire in your audience to enter your Lead Funnel and fill out their info.
If you invest in Facebook video ads that aren’t designed to convert, you’re wasting your money.
If you want to stand out in the Facebook advertising landscape, you can invest in conversion-optimized video ads that leadpops custom builds for your business and brand. You’ll stand out in a crowded market, and your brand and logo will be the one viewers remember. Video Ads convert just as well as Graphic ads with the added bonus of boosting your brand.
Launch your Facebook Video Ads today!
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