3 Proven Ways for Loan Officers to Generate Business Today

Originating in 2023 is a numbers game.
In today’s challenging housing market, loan officers seek every opportunity to generate business. Originating in 2023 is a numbers game. Loan officers are putting in 2x the amount of work for fewer closings.
Even though the opportunities are fewer, it doesn’t mean they are impossible to find. When you partner with rebel iQ, we work hard to provide solutions, expertise, and training to help.
In short, we got you.
One training channel we use is our monthly free Success Seminars. We bring an expert to help loan officers with blueprints for generating business in today’s market. Below are three opportunities that will only require an hour of your time but will give you well over a 700% ROI if you execute.
No. 1 – How Loan Officers Can Use Instagram to Attract Agents
Loan Officers, you can stop chasing and start attracting.
In this Success Seminar, you will learn directly from one of your fellow LOs how he uses Instagram to generate 3-5 agent meetings every week consistently. Rick Gurerreo of US Mortgage gives you the playbook on how he engages and attracts the right agents. See how Rick turns those DMs into a flow of meetings and business opportunities.
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No. 2 – Generate Leads, Apps, and Closings…for FREE!
In this Success Seminar, you will learn how to generate thousands of leads and apps using social media.
Josh Dobson of Bluprint Home Loans gives you the playbook on how his team has become social influencers to get tens of thousands of followers and video views to generate an average of 15 monthly closed loans.
No. 3 (LIVE) – Advise & Assist: Opening Doors to Refi Opportunities
[October 18th at 1pm EDT] – 49 Million Americans will face a crisis as Student Loan Payments become due after 3 years of Adminstrative Forbearance. 34% of Student Loan Holders surveyed say they cannot afford this payment. This is your opportunity to help!
Join mortgage & marketing pro, Scott Schang for this FREE class (usually $97) that will allow you to get in front of this crisis, which will open doors to cash-out refinance conversations and Realtor classes to help their past clients, move-up, and new homebuyers who will be blindsided when trying to qualify for their next mortgage.
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Let’s work through this market together!
These hours will be time well spent especially if you need help to create a consistent plan to generate business in this market. This cycle is all about separation, and as we find out with every news cycle, a majority are not geared to play at this level. This is your opportunity, and we are here to help!
Last but not least, I invite you all to schedule a demo with our team to learn more about our customer acquisition solutions that will enhance your chances of success with the above strategies and give you a sneak peek into our upcoming referral network solution to 50x your referral opportunities.
Connect with us on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook so you don’t miss more content that will help you make 2023 a successful year.