Ready to Win the Fight for Your Leads? Start Watching on YouTube

Do you work in the mortgage industry?
Are you using digital marketing and lead generation strategies to get more clients?
(If you’re not, well… how are you making any money??)
If you ARE relying on online strategies to bring new leads in the door, nurture relationships, and grow referrals…
Then you’re gonna want to bookmark my brand-new YouTube show,
Once a week, I’ll show you exactly what successful mortgage lenders, loan officers, and others in our super-competitive industry are doing to grow their leads.
See Your Potential ROI with leadpops
See what's possible. Fix it fast.
From the big guys like Zillow and Bankrate to the mom-and-pop shops (I see you!), there are a lot of valuable lessons to be learned from other people’s success…
And I’ll do all the work. All you have to do is sit back, watch and learn. 👇
We’ll dive into consumer direct marketing AND lead generation strategies, including:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) — AKA making it oh-so-easy for your prospects to find you through search
- Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads — We’ll talk about the nitty-gritty of paid ads, including how to choose keywords, target your ads, and set your budget
- Retargeting — You can get insane returns from this simple strategy… so why aren’t you using it yet?
- Email Marketing — I’ll show you how to get your emails opened and clicked at a higher rate — Hello, new customers
- Display Advertising — Think eye-catching banner and sidebar ads & irresistible videos
- Social Media — Yep, it’s possible to “do social” the wrong way… so we’ll talk about how to avoid crickets when you post
- Blogging — Thought blogging was dead? (Then why are you reading this?) Think again. Blogs are a high-value way to build trust with your audience
- Videos — Even if you hate being on camera
- …and much more!
We’ll also cover super-specific strategies to improve your referral relationships, like:
- How to get the most out of Realtor co-marketing — How to give back to your Realtor colleagues so they always bring their leads straight to you
- Strategies for cultivating builder and other B2B relationships — Great leads can come from anywhere… so branch out a bit and see what it brings you
- Database marketing — Turn cold, resistant strangers into warm, trusting leads
- …and other referral/word-of-mouth related subjects — Too many to list here, TBH
Andrew Pawlak here — I’m the host of (duh) and I’m taking the gloves off for this show!
I’ll be exposing lead generation strategies and secrets that the big lead generators, like Zillow and LendingTree, don’t want you to know about.
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If this is the type of information you’d find helpful, I’d love for you to check it out!
Psst — I’d really love for you to give me your feedback in the video comments section. Tell me what types of information or topics you’d like me to cover — and I’ll take your suggestions!
The truth: There’s a war going on for leads and clients online… will give you the strategies and insights to take back YOUR leads and ROI.
If you’re interested, check out the channel here and be sure to like and subscribe!
– Andrew Pawlak
Founder, leadPops
See Your Potential ROI with leadpops
See what's possible. Fix it fast.
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