Lead-Boosting Tips for a Web Presence that Converts

No matter how much traffic you get, the success of your web presence comes down to one thing:
Conversion is when your potential lead takes action. It can mean many different things, including:
- Submitting a lead generation form, or other engagement tool
- Signing up for your newsletter
- Filling out a contact form to get in touch with your company
- Providing their email address in exchange for one of your lead magnets
No matter how you convert the potential lead, however, you need to know the principles behind effective conversion if your web presence is going to create interest in your services.
To that end, I’ve put together a few lead-boosting tips to help accelerate your web success.
Tip: Make Sure Your Content is Dynamic and Interesting
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Does your blog simply update potential clients on your latest goings on, or does it create something of value for your readers?
Is your content stale and outdated, or does it reveal genuine, current insights for your prospective clients?
These questions sound simple, but they get to the heart of what makes someone want to convert into a potential lead in the first place:
Your website has to be engaging.
Yes, it’s important to have a professional web presence. But that doesn’t mean you can’t also be interesting. You can be professional without being dry.
To boost how interesting your content is, think about incorporating the following changes:
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- Content management. Do you brainstorm good ideas for blog posts and new website content, or do you simply do the least amount possible?
- Is there something on your website that draws people in, that makes them want to click through? Or are you simply asking for the sale and nothing else?
- What about your newsletter is engaging? Why should anyone sign up to it? Is there anything they can get out of it?
Tip: Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly
One of the fastest ways to ensure that genuine potential leads never convert is to ignore mobile completely.
Keep in mind that according to statistics, mobile Internet surfing eclipsed desktop surfing several years ago already.
This isn’t a new development. People are browsing the internet on their phones.
While it’s well and good to have an established web presence that looks great on a desktop, it’s even more important to have a mobile version that won’t get wonky. It should be ready to handle those mobile users—and just as ready to handle their potential conversion into tangible leads.
There are a number of ways to accomplish this.
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But for starters, have a look at your site on mobile—right now. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
How does it look?
If it’s easy to convert and fill out your forms and use your tools… then you’re a step ahead of the game. You can move on to other tips to boost your leads.
If not, you have to get a handle on your mobile web presence. Failing to do so will result in lost business.
Tip: Boost Your Trust Factor
One of the reasons people don’t convert and become clients for you is that they don’t necessarily trust you.
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There might be a lot going on with your site that they like. They see that you have a professional web presence. They see that you offer the services they’re looking for.
But what might be missing is that personal trust factor.
Do you include the following elements in your site?
- Client testimonials and reviews
- Trust badges from authoritative sources
- A detailed background on your about page
These elements might seem small when it comes to how well your site functions, but they’re critical for that emotional engagement you need to convert users into leads.
Long story short, your users aren’t going to convert if they don’t first trust you on some basic level.
That means you have to incorporate some personal and emotional elements on your site.
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This doesn’t mean you should dig into your past or anything silly like that. Instead, look for those key indicators in your work past that suggest to people that you’ve helped real, honest people like the ones reading your website.
Tip: Create a Custom Landing Page for Specific Purposes
It’s great to have a well-established site that generates leads for you. But sometimes, a sales funnel will be much more powerful when you can clearly define a landing page specifically for those who reach you a certain way.
For example, take your client referrals.
You might occasionally send out a note to your newsletter subscribers that encourages them to refer you to someone they know. In this email, you might include a link to a specialized landing page.
Of course, you remembered to ensure that you monitor this landing page with your analytics and goals, right?
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With that link specifically designed for referrals, you can create an instant sales funnel for new and potential clients.
Because your site will be specifically targeted to them and their needs, you stand a better chance at converting them into clients.
Tip: Engage Socially on Your Thank You Pages
People that fill out a form on your website or landing page should be taken to an optimized thank you page that includes links to your social media accounts to find out more about you.
Do you have…
- …a Twitter page that shows you connect and interact with people on a regular basis?
- …a YouTube account that shows what working with you is like?
- …a Facebook page that engages people on both a professional and personal level?
- …and Instagram account that shows off your business and its achievements?
If you can’t say “yes” to any of the questions above, then maybe it’s time to think about getting a little more accessible on social media.
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This doesn’t mean that you have to post every single day. You just have to keep a consistent, active profile on a couple of platforms to engage with prospects and clients.
I don’t recommend driving people off of your homepage to your social media pages in any sort of prominent fashion (no social media links or icons “above the fold”)–that’s nothing but a distraction and can lead to lost clients, however your thank you pages are ideal to showcase your social media profiles.
Tip: Solve Their Problems
It’s easy to get so caught up in what you do for a living that you forget this essential part of it:
You solve problems.
When you write headlines, when you send emails, when you reach out to people, remember: they have a problem or a challenge in their life—and you’re there to solve it.
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That’s what drives conversions more than anything: the idea that you’re going to help them out exactly with what they need.
As you keep that in mind, you’ll not only write better copy for the website, but you’ll take on your customer’s perspective. Building a website with the customer’s perspective in mind is exactly what you need to take your conversion to the next level.
To do that, put yourself in your customer’s shoes as you brainstorm ways to enhance your website engagement. The more you think about things from their perspective, the more likely your site is going to answer the questions they have.
Tip: Try leadPops
If these tips sound like too much to handle, remember: this is the digital age. There are services that can help you along, like leadPops.
So sign up for a free trial of leadPopssign up for a free trial of leadPops to find out how you can build a web presence that’s more likely convert readers into potential clients.
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