Key Advantages of Using Mass Texting Software for Mortgage Lenders

Reading Time: 4 minutes

A mortgage lender not only manages their mortgage business but also takes care of maintaining professional relationships with clients. They need to stay connected with past clients, maintain positive business relationships with present clients, and also develop an effective business strategy to bring in potential clients.  Usually, emails serve as the most common communication channel in every business and so in the mortgage industry. However, many consumers are less likely to read emails received from financial service companies. This is where texting them helps. As a mortgage lender, you may encounter a scenario where texting all your clients is an essential task but you just don’t have enough time for that. Essentially, you can automate this by using mass texting software. Firstly, let’s acquire an overview of what mass texting software is and then plunge into its key benefits.

Mass Texting Software: Overview

As implied by the name, you can use mass texting software to send text messages to a massive group of recipients. If you are running a mortgage broker website, you may need to use mass texting software at some other point in time. Typically, mass texting software allows you to craft a custom audience, after which you can compose your message and then schedule the text. Subsequently, you need to launch the campaign and the particular software will deliver the intended message. To streamline the communication, it will make a separate conversation thread with each of your recipients.

Some of the finest mass texting platforms permit consumers to opt out of the message service if they don’t wish to continue receiving messages from a mortgage lender. Generally, many mass texting software allows you to set up multiple campaigns and then target specific groups through personalized messages. Integrating mass texting software into your mortgage lending business, just like a mortgage CRM software can help boost your business efficiency. Book a demo from us to explore ways to enhance your mortgage business’ efficiency.

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Key Advantages Mortgage Lenders Get by Using Mass Texting Software

1) Establishes prompt communication

Emails serve as professional means of communication regardless of the industry but text messages are a more personal form of communication than emails. Text messages help you showcase to your clients how prudently you care for their mortgage needs but it’s actually you lack enough time to manually deliver messages to everybody.

Mass texting software streamlines communication by eliminating potential barriers and lets you instantly connect with a massive audience.  It would automatically deliver the already created messages at your desired date and time. Moreover, you can even plan to send messages at optimal intervals to establish a good rapport with clients and even foster repeat business. A mortgage broker website that uses reliable mass texting software can perceive a gradual boost in its business productivity. Emails may stay unopened for days whereas most text messages are usually read in a matter of few minutes.

2) Improves response rates

It is observed that text messages boast one of the highest response rates than any other means of communication. The odds of a client reading your emails are less than that of reading your text message. It is simpler for them to reply to text messages. They can swiftly submit text, documents, even book a meeting, and more. This advantage is not found in other mortgage marketing tools.

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In addition to improving response rates, it even makes your client conversations a more convenient format. Using this aspect can accelerate your response times and thus help you deliver a better customer experience. Request a demo from us to find different ways to grow your mortgage business.

3) Reduces marketing expenses

Top mortgage marketing platforms are now prevalent just like physical marketing assets. You can decrease your dependence on investing in such expensive assets through mass texting. It significantly decreases your marketing expenses to a tiny monthly subscription fee. The money saved can be used to invest in some other services of your business. Moreover, your mortgage lending business benefits from efficiency gains too. So, along with investing in mortgage marketing tools, it is recommended to invest in mass texting software.

4) Increases odds of repeat business

Usually, people don’t refinance or take loans daily. It may take several years to get a repeat client.  To keep your clients abreast of your services during the meantime is possible through mass texting software. Using this software, you can periodically deliver mortgage rate details and some other significant texts so that recipients are reminded about your services.

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If your business has continually provided a flawless lending experience then it becomes easy to get repeat clients through mass texting software. So, along with investing in one of the top mortgage marketing platforms, it is advisable to invest in mass texting software to generate high business revenue. Requesting a demo from us allows you to determine the most effective approach to scale up your mortgage company.

5) Helps in lead nurturing

After your prospects enter the pipeline, the next step is to nurture them. By using mass texting software, you can build a good rapport with your audience. Moreover, you can nurture some new client leads by delivering texts regarding mortgage products.


Relying on a single communication channel is not a decent idea for any business including a mortgage. To streamline the overall communication of your mortgage lending business, using reliable mass texting software is a wise decision. These platforms make the loan process quite convenient for borrowers which will eventually boost customer satisfaction. Through real-time updates, timely reminders, and making the flow of communication automatic, reliable mass texting software enhance your mortgage lending business’ productivity.

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