Four Ways to Create More Engaging Real Estate Landing Pages

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Your landing page is more than just another section on your website.

It’s a full-time salesperson.

While you sleep, your landing page can bring in leads.

While you work, your landing page is putting in overtime.

Unfortunately, that’s only true if you have an effective real estate landing page.

Otherwise, you’re just spinning your wheels and paying for website hosting fees you don’t need.

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We don’t want that.

Instead, it’s time to think about how your real estate landing pages are doing. 

  • Are they generating leads consistently?
  • Is the bounce rate too high?
  • Do you have enough traffic coming in?

If you noticed any of these problems with your real estate landing pages, you need to overhaul them.

The only question is: how do you do it?

We’ve put together four of our favorite ways to spice up your landing pages, improve your conversion rates, and make more sales.

#1: Research Your Customer Segments and Divide Your Landing Pages Accordingly

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Sure, we could talk your ear off about what to put on the landing pages. And we’ll have some tips for you later on.

But first? 

You have to make sure that your landing page matches your audience.

If you have just one landing page, for example, then you’re not quite doing enough.

One universal landing page means that you’re attempting to use the same strategy to target first-time homebuyers as people who have owned seven homes and are thinking about retirement.

No wonder your bounce rates are high.

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A potential customer only has to land on your page and see that your page doesn’t apply to them.

Then, they’ll click somewhere else.

That’s not what we want.

If you want to make sure that your landing pages are effective, it starts with dividing your landing pages according to customer segment.

Take time to think about the individuals who are landing on your site.

Are they buying a home for the first time?

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Are they worried about credit?

Do they have an enormous income and net worth?

Are they ready to retire?

Are they looking for a starter home?

Are they renters? Or do they already own another home?

These questions might seem trivial at first, but it gets to the heart of what makes a great landing page: specificity to your audience.

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After all, you likely wouldn’t have clicked on this blog if it was a generic post about landing pages.

But because you’re in the real estate business, you understand that it’s written with you in mind.

Do the same with your landing pages.

#2: Create a Clear, High-Contrast Call to Action

Now that we’ve addressed a fundamental problem we see in all sorts of landing pages, it’s time to get down to one of the easiest fixes you can possibly make: your call to action.

The call to action, or CTA, is the point of purchase. It’s the button your lead clicks that converts them from a potential lead into a genuine lead.

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And if they can’t find your CTA, none of your hard work is going to pay off.

How do you make an effective call to action? Here are a few of our favorite tips:

  • Make the CTA prominent. Don’t make the user scroll and scroll, searching for it. They’ll lose patience, and patience costs a premium on the Internet.
  • Make the CTA distinguishable from the background. Blue button on a blue background? You’re not highlighting the importance of clicking the CTA. Make sure that the CTA is high-contrast.
  • Write from their perspective. Don’t create a CTA button that says “find out your mortgage options.” Let them click something that writes from their perspective. “Find out my options” is far more effective.
  • Emphasize a lower commitment. One of the reasons people don’t click your CTA? They’re worried that if they do, they’re going to be signed up for a hundred email newsletters that they’re never going to make sense of. Make sure that on your landing page, you emphasize that there’s on commitment here. A CTA of “access my free mortgage calculator,” for example, is a great way to let someone know that the next steps are going to be easy. 

#3: Speak From Their Problem

When it comes time to generate the copy of the landing page, we have a simple rule of thumb:

Speak from their problem.

This is one reason that our #1 tip is so important. You need to first understand who it is you’re writing to when you craft the landing page. 

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For example, let’s take the scenario of a first-time homebuyer. Take some time to think about the problems they’re struggling with as they arrive at your page.

  • Are they worried that they won’t qualify for a loan because of credit issues?
  • Are they confused about the process, and do they need clarity and confidence?
  • Are they “just browsing,” or do they need a trustworthy mortgage service that can help hold their hand?

You might find that one or all of these issues might apply to your target audience.

This will help inform what sort of copy you write. For example, if you’re writing to someone who’s worried about qualifying for a loan because of credit issues, you can highlight the available options, such as FHA loans.

Most of all, you would write this copy with a sense of confidence in what they can achieve if they work with you.

That confidence will come across on the landing page.

Ideally, your potential lead will think—“this is exactly what I need.”

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It’s only natural for them to click on your CTA after that.

#4: Cut the Extraneous

In writing a landing page for real estate, you’re going to find yourself thinking that you need to write a novel.

Fight this instinct.

Sure, real estate is big business. And it’s a big commitment to make a real estate purchase.

But that doesn’t mean that more words always convey seriousness and trustworthiness.

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In creating engaging landing pages, we’ve found that the best habits tend to keep things shorter:

  • Keep the flow moving with a small landing page. You’re not writing a direct mail sales letter here. You’re setting the stage for their click. That’s all. If you want to emphasize a low commitment to accessing a resource like your mortgage calculator, then you wouldn’t write 10,000 words when 250 words will suffice.
  • Keep the language simple. The simpler the language is, the more universal its appeal. Writing about all sorts of complicated real estate terms doesn’t make you more trustworthy or appear like an expert. It makes the language more confusing.

When you cut your real estate landing page and focus it on a specific problem—and a specific market segment—you’re making it more effective.

You’re making it more engaging.

But it helps to have the structure in place where you can create landing pages for all sorts of uses.

That’s where we come in.

Consider a free trial with leadPops to see how easy it is to create an online presence that automatically generates leads once you have the best marketing habits in place.

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