Become a Mortgage Blogger without typing a word

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The leadpops ConversionPro Blog – Build credibility and generate leads from mortgage blog posts that you don’t have to write

This new conversion-optimized blog service will publish professionally written articles directly to your leadpops ConversionPro website every month.

The new ConversionPro Blog service will establish you as an industry expert without having to type a word.

Click here to learn more about the ConversionPro blog!

By hosting a library of valuable blog content on your website, you can attract prospects by providing insight on the topics they are dying to learn more about.

Not to mention, your mortgage blog will be optimized to convert leads so every reader has ample opportunity to become your client.

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Our professionals write, edit, and publish a monthly blog post on your behalf so all you have to do is sit back, and enjoy your improved online credibility. 

The leadpops ConversionPro Blog Service

If you’re a mortgage professional, saying you’re strapped for time is an understatement…

Trying to build a reputable blog from scratch can be overwhelming on your own and expensive if you hire someone else. 

Finding a great writer that knows the mortgage industry is an accomplishment in and of itself. 

Then, you have to find a web developer to build a blog framework on your website. If you don’t stand over their shoulder to make sure your mortgage blog is optimized to convert leads, there’s no guarantee that publishing content will actually drive any business for you.  

You’ll have tons of work and investment on the front end to maybe have some payoff in the future.

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Or you can sign up for leadPops’ ConversionPro Blog today and let our team of content marketing experts take care of all that for you.

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Your ConversionPro Blog service fits in with the rest of your leadpops products, and enables you to post relevant, engaging blog content once a month. Your leadpops team handles the writing, editing, and posting so you can reap the benefits. 

You will have a wealth of content you can share on social media, email newsletters, and anywhere else you are marketing. You can even text message your posts directly to your prospects to jumpstart a conversation. 

Every time people see an insightful post from you, you build top of mind awareness, and they are more likely to remember you when they need a mortgage! 

“ConversionPro Blogs fill your website with content that makes your visitors stay on your website. The longer they are looking at your website, the more likely they are to become a client.”

~ David Andriate, Sr. Marketing Manager

You can sign up for this new ConversionPro Service here.

You’ll be able to add on your ConversionPro Blog framework, which includes two new Lead Funnels, call-to-action links within the content, and a lead generation-optimized sidebar. 

See Your Potential ROI with leadpops

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You will also receive our entire catalog of blog posts upon signup, followed by a new blog post every month thereafter.

“I’ve always wanted blog posts I could share on my website, but I could never carve out the time. I didn’t even know where to start. With leadPops’ ConversionPro Blog service, now I have consistent content every month that feeds right into my other leadpops products. Now I’m generating leads from content that I didn’t even have to write!”

~ leadpops Customer

Key Benefits:

  • Fresh, relevant, evergreen content published to your leadpops ConversionPro Website with a low monthly investment
  • Call-to-action links strategically inserted throughout the content to pull consumers into your gamified leadpops Lead Funnels
  • Dates included on call-to-action links are updated everyday to ensure visitors know your content is current.
  • Professionally written, edited, and published automatically without any input from you, or edit the content as you see fit
  • Increase your reputability and establish yourself as a thought leader in the mortgage industry
  • Opportunities to promote and share your content on all of your marketing channels

What You Get:

  • Lead Generation Blog Framework Setup
  • 2 New Lead Funnels
  • Quick Rate Quote Sidebar
  • Relevant CTAs with dates updated daily

Blog Content

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  • Evergreen mortgage-related content curated by leadPops
  • Monthly blog post published
  • Access to our full catalog of blog posts upon sign-up

Don’t have a website but want to learn more / get started? Book a demo.